Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 16...A picture of a new friend you've made this year...

Wanna meet my new friend?  Anybody recognize her?  Flylady to the rescue!

I've spent a lot of time feeling overwhelmed and totally guilty about the state of my never-company-ready house. Not to mention the worry when Mom calls and says she's on her way over! :)  I got the flylady book and for once felt empowered instead of guilty!! Having a happy, clean, organized house is something I CAN accomplish!  I've got a long way to go, and for the next two months I've decided to go to strictly maintenance, but it's something that I can accomplish and love. 

If you struggle with cleaning, check her out!


Jennie Fife said...

I went on flylady and looked up the beginner baby steps. I decided to do day one and make my sink shine. Then I realized I don't have bleach or an abrasive cleanser. Even her baby steps are too much for me to handle so I decided to just pick up toys and run a vacuum then I realized that the boy's laundry was clean but sill in a huge pile on their bedroom floor so then I decided to sit and knit instead.

The Fabulous 5 said...

I started doing flylady in January. I haven't done it everyday but I am slowly getting it done. I am excited to see the outcome!!! Good luck

Melanie said...

I love Flylady! So glad you found her! :)