Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 14...A description of your current bag...

Until the bambino comes (which was just scheduled for April 1st, btw--SWEET!!), I've downsized to just a purse! It's been so lovely not to lug around a huge old diaper bag--although I LOVE my diaper bag when I lug it around...check out my aunt's blog to get one for yourself! 

Anywho, currently in my small purse, which is super cute and red, I've got....

a package of trail mix
4 jolly ranchers from Christmas, the sour ones!
my wallet
my gloves, which really should belong in my coat
a package of mints
about 15 receipts
various pieces of garbage
two diapers
a baggy of wipes
and a few pens.

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