Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Home, Home on the Range...

Katelyn and I went in September. Our trip was so great! Today is the first day that things have been back to 'normal,' so I'm finally updating!

My friend Elena Baugh and her baby Kara, as well as Katelyn and I, flew to Utah September 21st. That was, to say the least, a joke. I thought I was being so smart...fly out of San Antonio to save a whole bunch of money, fly at night so Katelyn would sleep. Um, yeah...that didn't happen. I've never had a real difficult time flying with Katelyn before, but between the lack of sleep, the drunk guys who had to get escorted off the plane, the late hour, and the cramped space-that is not something I wish to do again anytime soon! Guess it's sorta like childbirth; if we remembered all the pain and stress, we wouldn't ever do it again! :)
We made it however, and everything went up from there. We made Christmas presents, got fun hair-do's, crafted, visited, and had a great 84th birthday party for my Grandpa. It was awesome!

Katelyn loved being outside. She spent as much time there as she could. Actually, we both really enjoyed it! And I've become a wimp--I was so cold most of the time! Guess I'm used to the Texas heat now, eh?! Here's a quick synopsis of our outdoor adventures. We also fed some very aggressive ducks and visited some mean donkeys! It's a miracle we still have our fingers.
Gardening with Grandpa--Mike and I can't wait until our garden is as beautiful as dads!
Bike Riding with Uncle Kyron. I've got to get one of the these things--Katelyn loved it!
Didn't so much like the swing...
At the park with Aunt Brielle and Jillisa
The Zoo!
Thanks Grandma--it was a just a fun day at the Zoo!

Other fun things we did--
A few fun breakfast mornings....Our family and Bradlee and Suzannes family...

And a fun breakfast out with my best friends from the good 'ol days--Stephanie and Deanna. Steph has a baby 2 weeks older then Katelyn. They didn't really get a chance to play together, but us girls sure had a lot of fun. We even hit up a movie!
(Sorry your head is chopped off, Steph!)

The whole purpose for our trip (or maybe, the excuse!) was for my Grandfathers 84th Birthday party. Grandpa has Parkinsons disease and he's very sick--this party was such a neat celebration of his life. I learned so many neat things about him; my mom did such a great job.

Grandma and Grandpa Watson

The Bradlee Watson family. One of the saddest things about living so far away is that I'm not there to hang out with Bradlee and Suzanne. But...they applied for a job in Houston... :)

Grandma and Grandpa and all of the cousins that were able to come...

The family, minus Mike. We missed you babe

It was great to just hang out and be with the family. A special thanks to Kasey and Chels who came over every night to hang out and play games! I'm sure you guys were so tired, but thanks so much for making the effort! It was great! SCUM forever.
I also got to meet Jillisa's man-friend. Good guy, that Chris.
Did I miss anything...mmm? Probably--but since Katelyn is waking up now, it's time to get off the computer.

Next post: A day spent in Pleasant Grove
(no, I didn't forget that! How could I?! Katelyn's only cousins! :)

Lastly--I'll bet grandma is glad to have her clean house back...guess it's not very baby proofed, eh?


Anonymous said...

looks like yall had a great time, i love the pictures of your grandparetns, that is so sweet.

The Tabot Fam said...

How fun! I wish Richard and I could have come. That looks like it was a blast! Your mom is sooo great! I miss her.