Monday, May 21, 2012

Kitchen Remodel...THIS WEEK!!

Folks...I am so. stinkin. excited.  Can't wait~!  My kitchen remodel, phase 1, starts on Thursday night.  Yeah for three day weekends!
Today I have taken everything out of the kitchen in prep for the mess that will ensue.  I'm going to scrub down the cabinets tomorrow and sand them, to prep for stain.  I ordered my crown molding and am headed to MacBeths tomorrow to buy the wood to build the new cabinets. I have a list of tools and supplies to purchase, and a list of tools and supplies to borrow.  Home Depot is going to see a lot of me this week. 
During some down time today when Luke (who got Hand Foot and Mouth this weekend, oh joy) was FINALLY sleeping, I designed these for my new space. (Thanks Kristen and Pinterest for letting me copy!)

(I like the colorful one better, but the yellow one matches better. I can't's sort of a nasty sick yellow. Obviously still needs some tweaking, but...the saying is so cute, I put it here anyway!)


Christine said...

Yay! So excited for you! I love the first word art picture. It's really beautiful... like the others, too. :) Have fun!

Christine said...

Yay! So excited for you! I love the first word art picture. It's really beautiful--a good reminder. The others are great, too. Have fun! :)