Monday, August 4, 2014

In Summer!!

We got out of school earlier than most schools, and we wasted no time celebrating!  We enjoyed a lot of time outside, before it got swelteringly hot, and did far too little reading! ;)

Our summer has had a great schedule that we have *mostly* kept.  Highlights have included:

Make a Smile Monday: 
 Making letters for Uncle Kyron. Helping Uncle Ben and Aunt Marilyn do their kitchen. Visiting Grandpa at work. Visiting Grandma and Grandpa Great-Watson's gravestone. 

Theater Tuesday:
 We have gone to the theater and seen Ice Age, Epic, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2, Lego Movie, and Rio 2.

 Water party at the splashpad, at friends houses, in the rain, and at the Beach.

Thinking Thursday:
 Trips to the Library, practicing our spelling, learning how to sew, mega bubbles, & science projects.

Field Trip Friday :

Our Field Trips have been SO awesome!  We will most certainly doing this one again next summer!  Rockport for fishing, hiking the old Temple Quarry trail, visiting the top of the church office building, hiking Adams canyon, slurpees, visiting the new Bean Museum and having ice cream on campus, the zoo (many times!), baseball games, visiting the Brigham Young house, visiting the State Capitol, visiting the Tracy Aviary, and riding Trax.   

We've still got a few days left of summer--let's see what else we can fit in! :)


Man, I love summer!!

1 comment:

Katherine and Brian said...

I love your idea of making summers special!!! I am going to steal your ideas. You are an incredible mom. I'm glad to have you as a friend.