Sunday, October 17, 2010


We've been decorating for fall and Halloween and cleaning up our garden.  In Houston we would be planting our winter garden, but here, we decided it sort of feels nice to be cleaning things up and moving onto winter (although the weather has been GREAT, so winter is not here yet!).  We learned a lot about our garden, had some failures and some great successes.  I've had fun making the house feel festive!

Do you know what this is?  We don't tasted like cantaloupe...and a cucumber! I'm thinking cross-pollination! 

We've also been enjoying the great weather.  We hit up the park weekly, the kids and I, and we aren't looking forward to being shut in for the winter!

1 comment:

Afton said...

Hey! It's fun to get caught up on you! You're so crafty with your Halloween stuff btw. So did you grow this cantaloupe/cucumber thing in your own garden??? That sounds like a really strange mix and I'd be really interested in trying it if I ever find one! Glad things look like they're going well for you guys!