Sunday, October 17, 2010

And there was joy once again...

We hit up the BYU Homecoming festivities this year.  It was so much fun!! I think we're going to have to make this a family tradition each year--it was very worth the hour drive in the early morning!

We met up with Uncle Tom by the corner of his apartment and enjoyed a good old fashioned BLUE pancake breakfast--complete with chocolate chips and whipped topping! (The breakfast of champions, I tell ya.)  We saw cousin Jennifer at her cute apartment and got the chillin's dressed and ready for the day.  And then we staked out our spot for the parade--which turned out to be really great.  Lots and lots of candy, fun dancers, princesses (Katelyn's favorite part), Cosmo, and lots of chances for Mike and I to reminisce and remember.  We'd recommend this to anyone and everyone~!

We headed over to Ben's house (one of Mike's best friends from FOREVER) and saw his cute new baby boy, and the rest of his cute family.  Thanks for lunch!  And then headed home to watch the game at my parents house (we didn't have tickets.)  Thank heavens we won!  
As Mike said, driving home, 'And there was once again in Happy Valley!'

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