Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Gotta Love A Vacation!!

We went to St. George this weekend...it was fabulous! My best friends from forever, and their spouses, (Steph and Kyle, Deanna and Ryan), as well as Mike and I headed down on Friday. Thanks Mom and Dad for watching the wild child and our dude-man. Undivided sleep, going out to eat, not cleaning up any spills or pint-sized made messes, beautiful sun, warm air and the best company...awesome!

Yup...a picnic, outside, in February!
On one of our walks...strange African animals decorated their front yard. I would have LOVED to have met the crazy people who lived here...notice, again, the SUN!

We shopped the outlets on Friday, after arriving, and spent Saturday in Zions hiking and driving around. It was beautiful--I'll bet it's even more amazing when the seasons change with all the trees and foliage. I'd never been there before so it was fun. Mike had the chance to work on photography, and I learned there is nothing like a good hike to tell you how out of shape you really are! It's amazing to think of the creation of the world and all that has happened since then...there are some incredible places in the world.

Oh yes...remember the apocalyptic mud!

Steph and Kyle
All of us at The Weeping Rock...this was a cool place!

Sunday we found a great ward to attend and enjoyed church. I especially enjoyed Relief Society. I started out sitting there wondering why we go to church, and why we go to the whole block. Nobody would have known, or probably even cared, if we had gone to the whole block. But, we went because going to church is what we do. And on this particular Sunday, I feel so blessed that we went. Relief Society was all about our relationship with the Savior and how to make that connection stronger. I sat and cried through the whole lesson and really felt uplifted and grateful for the Savior like I hadn't felt in a long time. I don't ever want to forget that. I'm grateful that we go to Church...I'm grateful that it's what we do, and I'm grateful that Heavenly Father blesses us with powerfully moving experiences because of our obedience.

After Church we visited the Church history sites in St. George. I didn't so much love the tour guides, but the information was very fascinating. I didn't even know that Brigham Young had had a home in St. George until I started researching for our trip. What an interesting place. Anybody know why St. George is called St. George...I do! :)

Outside the condo
Monday we packed up and headed to a very LONG breakfast (but tasty, and with great company) and then drove home just in time to see Brielle before she headed back to school. The kids had had a great time, probably even better then spending time with Mom, and Mom and Dad had some great stories to share. We missed them, but we'll certainly be doing this again! It was fabulous!! Yeah for physically, spiritually, and emotionally rejuvenating vacations! :)
Love these girls!~

P.S....when I see everybody's else's pictures, I might add more! :)


Brielle said...

yeah i liked how you got all the sleep cause some of us didn't.. hahahah but i loved every minute of it!! love love love you!! :)

Stephanie Hancock said...

Loved reading your post and reliving such a great vacation! Can't wait to go again.

Danielle said...

How fun! A reunion of the fab 3! I can't believe how fast Josh is growing! He's SO cute!