Saturday, February 6, 2010

This one is for Elena...

We had Esther Child come and stay with us for a was Fabulous!! Here's the out of order highlights!

Mike's sister, Becky, and her girls came up to spend the evening. Esther and the girls made a fort and had a fun time playing...
Teaching Katelyn the new ballet moves she learned...
Practicing what she's learned...
Making Scripture cookies for FHE...
Movie Night!! If you haven't seen 'The Ultimate Gift', I would highly recommend it!
There was a whole lot of this...
And this...
And this...
And not nearly enough of this, I'm afraid...( I have a new appreciation for my mom...young piano students are master dodgers of practicing!)
Loving the Kitty...
There was a bit too much of this, I'm afraid.
Katelyn got a big girl princess potty while Esther was here...

Eating Katelyn's favorite lunch, Hot dogs with cheese bites and toothpicks!
Cute Josh-man
Bathtime...Esther was able to wash Katelyn's hair--a miracle indeed!
Checking on the Webkinz, Amber and Shimmer

We loved having you stay!! You can come over anytime!!


Christine said...

I see you got the cute fonts to work! They look great! It looks like you all had a very fun week, too!

Nola said...

Mindy! Thanks for having so much fun with Esther! We can tell that she had a great time!

Elena said...

Thanks for taking so many pictures! I laughed at the ballet class. It's so Esther!

Brielle said...

when did you get a cat?! hahah miss you can't wait to see you on FRIDAY!!!!!!!