Thursday, July 30, 2009

Baby Update...

For those of you who are wondering, here's a quick baby update...

Things are going...well, big! This baby is already well on his way to 8+ pounds, and I've got 5 weeks left. He's currently breech, which is always exciting, and I just about failed my blood-glucose test so I'm off simple sugars for the time being. Anything to stop this boy from getting bigger! I'm well into that totally-uncomfortable-almost-always-in-some-sort-of-pain-somewhere stage, but I keep reminding myself that it's much hotter in Texas, I found a great doctor and hospital, and I look a lot better this pregnancy than the last. I'm liking Mike's new work schedule which is getting us to bed earlier, but I didn't realize how lucky I was to have him around all day to help out. Just this morning Katelyn spilled a gallon of milk, dumped a box of cereal on the floor, and dropped Mike's wedding ring down the central vac shoot...She wears me out! What would I do without Grandma and Uncle Kyron around?
Things are good though...with any luck he'll have an August birthday instead of a September one, and he'll flip himself around so I won't have to worry about the recuperation from a c-section! :)
Sorry, no profile picture to post...I'm home alone with my sleeping Katelyn and I don't have a new one. I'll have to put that on my list!


Corinne said...

Phew the last few weeks are always the longest. I do hope he gets himself turned around. I am so glad Mike is enjoying his job s far and now you can relax a little and focus on having a baby!!

Marissa said...

my baby didn't turn the right direction until like the middle of the 36th week so don't worry to much. I'm glad Mike likes his job and you all get to stay close to family. I hope for you your baby comes a little early just so its easier on you.

If you haven't come and read my blog yet you should. It's

Anonymous said...

So good to hear a baby update! Good luck in the next few weeks and I'll cross my fingers there's no c-section! It's miserable!