Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fun in Pleasant Grove...

We've had some great quality time with Becky and Chris and the girls in Pleasant Grove...and I realized that I haven't taken very many pictures.

Here is a snippet of our fun time last week when we went up the canyon for a cookout!

Check out my new glasses! I haven't had new glasses in probably 10 years...once my old ones got scratched beyond recognition, it was time to upgrade! I love them!

Don't you love my clean child?! Contrast Aly and Katelyn: Aly--wearing a pretty dress, running from bugs...Katelyn--playing in the soot, ripping off her shoes and chug-a-lugging from the pop can. I think we may have a tom boy on our hands! I'm really interested to see what she's like in contrast to a boy...
Aunt Linda was in town and Katelyn loved her! She cried when we left Becky's house..."Linda come too?!"

That morning we headed over to Becky's neighbor to pick Cherries. We ended up with almost 20 pounds of to pick, yummy to eat, not so great to pit! :) Once again, check out the mess!

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