Monday, October 7, 2013

LDS General Conference

Ah! Conference. I get the sense that a lot of people love this weekend as much as me, and I'm so glad there are so many of us! From a young age this was a special weekend. I love the sound of Conference on throughout the house...on each TV and blasting on the radio. I love the heritage I have that has made Conference an important part of growing up--we watch and listen and pay attention to the best of our abilities. I love the snacks and treats and being all crammed on the couches together. I love the pictures of people falling asleep and the 'crying laughs' that almost always happen. It's great!

I only caught probably about half of Conference. I spent the first hour of the first session at Instacare with Luken, and then many, many, (MANY) moments throughout the rest of the weekend being Mom. I was talking with my Mother-in-Law and she commented...'oh! I remember those days!'  It gave me hope that they end! :)  But, you know what?  I learned something this weekend. It started at the Relief Society Broadcast when President Monson shared that story about bread.  Did anybody else catch that the woman who followed the prompting to drive across town had a tired, cranky, 1 year old baby in the back. A baby who was very likely screaming her head off?  I was struck with the idea that Heavenly Father sends promptings--and that I can still RECEIVE them and OBEY them over the din of crying children.  I saw that this weekend.  Little snippets of talks would stand out to me--in between diapers and baths and mud fights and spilled food and bottles and naps and laundry.  I still felt the Spirit and learned things that I am sure were meant just for me. What a great weekend~!

So here are a few of my snippets.  Sometimes I got to listen uninterrupted for the whole talk! Sometimes it was just a brief moments. There are entire talks I missed.  But I'm grateful for what I felt and heard and learned, and I'm excited to try and put it into action!

*Start early and be Strong.
*Teach my children how to feel the Holy Ghost.
*We go to the temple to make covenants, we come home to keep them.
*I can expect my children to be covenant keepers.
*How much do I love the Savior?  Judge by how I joyfully and willing keep my covenants
*Point out when my children are keeping their covenants.
*Keeping covenants is nothing more than loving, helping, and serving others. I may not even notice it's happening.
*Don't be offended...that's ridiculous!
*Come to the temple and CLAIM YOUR BLESSINGS.
*CS Lewis, He is making me a mansion!
*The Spirit you feel is a reflection of your strength and obedience.
*I pray and calmly wait.


*Faith means always looking to the future.
*When we obey the law of tithing, we will be given blessings that are often subtle, but significant.
*The Lords direction is clear and brief.  Mine should be too.
*People want the opportunity to turn their time, talents, and efforts into good works.
*People who leave the church deserve understanding--the reasons are usually complex and there is generally not just one reason.
*Doubt your doubts, before you doubt your faith!
*None of us is quite as Christlike as we know we should be.
*Mothers can expect high standards of their children.
*Serve with enthusiasm.
*Live my life with Exclamation Points!! ;)
*Accepting callings from the Lord will bless me and my family immensely.

*Our ability to endure to the end is proportional to our receiving kingdoms of glory.
*Our ability to endure is proportional to our testimony and ability to hear the whisperings of the Holy Ghost.
*Spiritual endurance comes at a price.
*The Lord sees weaknesses different then rebellion.
*Fill my life with service to others and Satan's temptations become less.
*Study Jeremiah--he is a hero!
*How we preserve time for our families is a great issue of our day.
*The Saviors message is simple.
*The most important part of teaching others is my own personal spiritual preparation.
*Be willing to 'let go' of a lesson--the lesson then becomes the Saviors lesson.
*A teacher is also a student.

*There will ALWAYS be a good activity that will need to be sacrificed in order to attend our meetings.
*My everyday choices, small though they may seem, can have far reaching, eternal consequences.
*I was born with some attributes, but can develop others as I persistently seek after then.
*My testimony can be a buffer.

What did YOU learn from Conference this time around?

1 comment:

Lefty Lindy said...

GREAT post Mindy! Thank you! and I love you!!