Monday, January 23, 2012

Bathroom Re-do

I spent one day last week painting bathrooms at my besties house.  We had a great time--I had to leave before the tape came off one of the bathrooms, and before everything got put back together so I can't wait to head her direction and check it out totally finished! Yeah for color!!
This got me thinking about MY bathroom--I think it needs a re-do too!  Bathrooms are not on the organization list until later in the year, but I'm thinking they should move up on the list and that the list should now include a little painting party! 
I'm also thinking stripes...what do you think?

My bathroom has this GREAT towel rack, I LOVE IT!  This will be staying--everything else can change.

The headboard, rugs, and shower curtain (which, btw, since the time of this pictures has been ironed, as well as goobered up by baby hands) are that sort of green-blue color that big this year.  The other decor I have, which I really don't love, is black and some chocolate brown.  So, what color would YOU do stripes? 

I like these ones in the gray/blue family...

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But, I also love brown with my whole soul...
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And then, everytime I look I see something totally out of left field that might be fun--but might be just crazy?!  Yellow?

Once I finally decide on a color, now I have to decide on direction, and on how many, how thick, design, etc.  Whew!

Obviously not green, but up and down stripes?  I did this in my guest room in our Houston house and LOVED it, but maybe the bathroom is too small? And too short of ceilings?

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Or like this? Neat!
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Or this?
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Oh man! Decisions!! Send me your thoughts!!  Anybody want to come and play painter? :)


Kristin said...

Okay, here's my two cents! ... I love the last pic for your bathroom. It is such a small space too many stripes could make it look "busy" and I like the horizontal for making the space look bigger. I personally would go really light for the stripes and stay on the same color palette tonally. I love super light beach in bathrooms because it brings out natural skin tones that help when putting on makeup and stuff. I think it would look gorgeous in stripes so light that the lightest is almost more cream and it would look warm. It would also go with your towel holders which are awesome. I love them and want to know where you got them!

Cassidy said...

Oh man!! I LOVE the bathroom one with the bright orange flower (but I have a love for brown that borderlines obsession...) If you're keeping the green towel rack thingy, I'd say stay closer to earth tones like a light brown and cream or go chocolate :)

Stephanie Hancock said...

I want to help! Never thought of stripes before--fun!

Emily said...

I'm totally loving the horizontal stripes too -- and I definitely would do horizontal in a small bathroom. It will make it feel a little wider.
If it were me, I'd probably stick with brown/taupe stripes because then your AWESOME towel rack will pop and also you can find a fun shower curtain that will play off of that color. I'm all for going with neutral and bright for the walls and adding personality and color with the accessories. I'm sort of ADD with decorating, so I love to go neutral with things that aren't easily changed and then I can have fun with accessories and pops of color.
Good luck! Wish I was close enough to come help! ;)