Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Camping, Take Two!

We hit up another campground last weekend.  Affleck Park in Cottonwood canyon--and, it was actually really, really nice.  You have to bring in your own water, and there are some funny watershed rules, but it was a great location, had lots of shade, and decent bathrooms.  We loved it!
We headed up with Davis and Holly *Mike's cousins, whom we LOVE* and, just like last year, it was totally awesome!  We did fishing (14 fish caught, if I have the number right!), dutch oven cooking, a pioneer hike on the actual pioneer trail, game playing (after 5 years, I would like to proudly announce that I FINALLY beat Mike in Canasta...thanks Holly!), and just general mayhem.  It was perfect!

Sweet Luken!
 Some of the munchkins
 Fishing success on trip number one.  Sa-weet!  Thanks Al, (Holly's brother), who is SERIOUSLY a fish whisperer!
 The bumbo boys...next year they'll be running! Crazy!
 My cute boys!
 Davis and his Dutch oven gloves...gotta get us a pair of these puppies!
 My kiddos, in the 'play tent'
 Aren't we so cute! :)  Love this guy!
 Warren LOVED the hammock with his Momma
 Bubble fun! I think Matt's face is my favorite--you don't get many moments of real joy caught on camera!
 The hikers (plus Mike, who was taking the picture). I'm amazed that we got everybody looking!
 On our hike--the timing was perfect, as we walked some of the original pioneer trail on Pioneer Day Weekend.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Has it really been a month...I must be busy! ;)  Wedding prep is fun--and time consuming, so let's just say that's where all the time is going!  I have been waiting and waiting for girls camp pictures to post too, since I like everything to be in a nice, neat, chronological order...but I'm done waiting and its time to get caught up.  In case I don't get back to it, girls camp was AWESOME!  (As it usually is!)  I loved the Spirit, the fun, the laughter, the tears, even the drama--(they STOLE our color!).  And, after recent switch-ups in YW, I feel super blessed to still be with all those YW spiritual giants!

Our garden is growing beautifully...can't wait until we get all of our fresh-grown yumminess~!  It's so fun to spend time outside in the yard and see all of the hard work coming to fruition...yum! :)

 So, in other news...
Check out the following posts to see what's been going on... :)

Guess that brings us up to date...except not--so many things I'm forgetting: zoo trips, picking strawberries, birthday parties, temple trips, YW movies night.  But, have I mentioned there is a wedding happening? I don't feel like I've been doing much, but I'm having a glorious time spending time with my mom doing various odds and ends--the wedding video is almost done and it's SO. STINKIN. CUTE!  Mike and Katelyn have birthdays next week so I've also been doing some serious birthday scheming...it's going to be a good one, if I do say so myself! Whoop! :)

Happy Fourth of July

So, I'm waiting on pictures, then I'll update this post! :)  Our fourth was awesome...how 'bout yours?

Camping With Family At Perception Park

We've had a lot of fun playing outside in the nice weather--swimming, bike riding, neighborhood block parties, and camping trips!  We hit up Perception Park up by Pineview and had a fabulous weekend with my family. We're headed out camping again this weekend and can't wait!  This park was hard to get into, but awesome! I would highly, highly recommend it! :)

Get ready for loads of pictures...and family, I need copies of YOURS! :)  (And from the 4th of July too...please?!)
 Cooking with Grandpa

 Ky and I...sexy nose shot! :)

 My sweet Luken...the bumbo is my new favorite friend! I get 20 minutes of happy, alone Luke when he sits in the this thing...20 minutes folks!  Whoop!!

 Playing games...

 Chil-laxin in the hammock

 Kasey and Chelsi brought up fourwheelers and shotguns--SUPER fun!! 


 Kasey and Auklin

 Mom and the Craven grandbabies

 Mike took Katelyn fishing...they didn't catch anything, but had LOTS of fun!

Jilli and Austin

 Watch out! She's going to get you...

 More gaming

 Josh LOVED the water...most times, he could be found doing this

Good Ole Friends...

I got the chance the spend an afternoon with a very old, dear friend.  You know the saying..."Make new friends, keep the old. Some are silver and the rest are gold."  So  true!! I sure love this girl...and as we were leaving, it was mentioned that it's so nice to have friends that even if it's been years, when you get together it's just like it was yesterday.  Driving up to her house brought back all sorts of fun memories: carpooling to LDSBC while reading our scriptures, painting toenails on the kitchen, early morning Tae-bo workouts, daydreaming about our prince charmings, lots of fun and laughter! Thanks Lorene for all the fun! (And I'm serious about coming to Cali next summer to see the redwoods...!)