Sunday, July 17, 2011


Has it really been a month...I must be busy! ;)  Wedding prep is fun--and time consuming, so let's just say that's where all the time is going!  I have been waiting and waiting for girls camp pictures to post too, since I like everything to be in a nice, neat, chronological order...but I'm done waiting and its time to get caught up.  In case I don't get back to it, girls camp was AWESOME!  (As it usually is!)  I loved the Spirit, the fun, the laughter, the tears, even the drama--(they STOLE our color!).  And, after recent switch-ups in YW, I feel super blessed to still be with all those YW spiritual giants!

Our garden is growing beautifully...can't wait until we get all of our fresh-grown yumminess~!  It's so fun to spend time outside in the yard and see all of the hard work coming to fruition...yum! :)

 So, in other news...
Check out the following posts to see what's been going on... :)

Guess that brings us up to date...except not--so many things I'm forgetting: zoo trips, picking strawberries, birthday parties, temple trips, YW movies night.  But, have I mentioned there is a wedding happening? I don't feel like I've been doing much, but I'm having a glorious time spending time with my mom doing various odds and ends--the wedding video is almost done and it's SO. STINKIN. CUTE!  Mike and Katelyn have birthdays next week so I've also been doing some serious birthday's going to be a good one, if I do say so myself! Whoop! :)

1 comment:

Wes, Nicki, and Boys said...

Hurray for updates!! I am the same way...I have a very hard time keeping up on the blog! Your garden loos FABULOUS!!! Your food will surely taste extra good coming from such a beautiful garden!! :)