Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Camping, Take Two!

We hit up another campground last weekend.  Affleck Park in Cottonwood canyon--and, it was actually really, really nice.  You have to bring in your own water, and there are some funny watershed rules, but it was a great location, had lots of shade, and decent bathrooms.  We loved it!
We headed up with Davis and Holly *Mike's cousins, whom we LOVE* and, just like last year, it was totally awesome!  We did fishing (14 fish caught, if I have the number right!), dutch oven cooking, a pioneer hike on the actual pioneer trail, game playing (after 5 years, I would like to proudly announce that I FINALLY beat Mike in Canasta...thanks Holly!), and just general mayhem.  It was perfect!

Sweet Luken!
 Some of the munchkins
 Fishing success on trip number one.  Sa-weet!  Thanks Al, (Holly's brother), who is SERIOUSLY a fish whisperer!
 The bumbo boys...next year they'll be running! Crazy!
 My cute boys!
 Davis and his Dutch oven gloves...gotta get us a pair of these puppies!
 My kiddos, in the 'play tent'
 Aren't we so cute! :)  Love this guy!
 Warren LOVED the hammock with his Momma
 Bubble fun! I think Matt's face is my favorite--you don't get many moments of real joy caught on camera!
 The hikers (plus Mike, who was taking the picture). I'm amazed that we got everybody looking!
 On our hike--the timing was perfect, as we walked some of the original pioneer trail on Pioneer Day Weekend.


Holly Strong said...

Those are some great pictures Mindy. We sure had fun with you guys.

Connie and Mike said...

good photo journaling... it's my favorite thing to do...

Sounds so much better than just blogging... hehehe

You did a great job...