Friday, September 9, 2011

How Do You Pinterest?

Have you discovered Pinterset?  I LOVE it!!  It's like bookmarking--only on steroids!  Everything is organized and lovely, in sections and just how I like it.  I have this really great cousin who introduced me to the wonder that is Pinterest, and she has some 'pinning' anxiety--feels it's such a commitment. Not me, man! I just 'pin' away--!  Anyway, after seeing so many cute things--and feeling so crafty even though all I had done was sit on my tush--I decided to put some things into action.  I love it!! :)

I've got some current projects in the works, so expect another post in a few day (weeks, or months!), but here's some of my pinteresting fun put into action!

Did you remember that the boys' room is BYU?  I thought it just had to include this lamp...


And who HATES how their jewelry is organized. I dream of owning a full length mirror with a hidden cupboard behind it for all my jewelry fun, but in the meantime, I LOVED this idea...

Here's mine. I'm not sold on the brown--but I'm thinking of re-doing my room so I didn't want to paint it and commit to a color before I was willing to commit, ya know?

Katelyn and I had a GREAT afternoon making these beauties yesterday--and playing in them today. So fun!

We've done lots of hairstyles--

And this little piece of fun has been great--took a week or two for Mike to catch on that he could write on our board too, but now I often wake up with little messages like, "you've got great legs" or "you melted our thermometer" or "you do all the laundry."  I love it--and I love him!

Pinterest has brought lots of cooking adventures--my FAVORITE of which is the Big Kahuna burgers. So easy--and SO GOOD!

And what about this little fun idea--? Keep my destructive Josh and curious Katelyn away from my makeup? Yes please!

Take a regular medicine cabinet...

And who wants to ignore the pearls of wisdom I've learned like:

I've decided that creativity isn't always coming up with your own idea--it's often just finding a great idea to steal!! Thanks Pinterest!.


Wes, Nicki, and Boys said...

Okay...I am convinced. How do I sign up? You sent me a link once but I never got around to it. Would you mind sending it again? I love the makeup thing. How are they sticking? Velcro??

Tara Winchester said...

Sooooo how do you DO pintrest?

Lefty Lindy said...

As I went down, I thought the "You are what you eat" one was really funny, but then I saw the "Let's eat Grandpa" and I laughed out loud! I love it! And I'm sorry I haven't been a good friend these days. I want to repent! Now let's see if I can find your number...

Julie said...

Love it! You are awesome crafting woman!

Diana said...

I would love more details about the make-up cabinet!