Friday, September 9, 2011

He's two!!

Timing is a funny thing--I think Heavenly Father knew we needed Luke good and here before Josh turned two, cuz if not...we'd be done having children!  Bless my little man--but he is DESTRUCTIVE!  I keep thinking that Katelyn gave me a run for my money while she was two (and really, while she was a baby all the way THROUGH two) but I think she has met her match! The problem is, my Josh man is just so darn cute he tricks me into believing, again and again, that he's still my angel child!  Oh well...two can't last forever, right?

He is all boy, this one.  Cars, balls, trains, trucks.  It's innate folks--we were made differently from the beginning,  us males and females.  Totally different from the get-go!  It works out nicely that Katelyn has a good streak of 'tomboy' in her cuz she and Josh get along great.  We've had many, many, MANY hours of fun playing cars and trains and dinosaurs around here since Josh's big day, and I anticipate many more! :)

We actually got to celebrate his birthday on his actual day of birth!!  I had thought we would probably still be in the hospital, but we were home!  He got lots of really great things--balls, bats, cars, cake.  It was a success!!

Sure love my little Josh man!  :) 

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Cute boy and cute cake too, Mindy. :)