Sunday, May 15, 2011

Anniversary Fun!

So, you know how every anniversary has an element (or something) attached?  You know, 25 is your silver anniversary, 50 is the golden?  Well, the 5th is the wood anniversary.  (I know, I know...lots of jokes could be inserted here, but just for your too-much-information-information, I've not even had my six week appointment yet, so just put a stop to all those jokes right now! ;)  And so, in honor of this fun anniversary, I picked Mike up during his lunch break and we headed to MacBeaths Woodshop in Salt Lake for a little shopping.  So fun! If you are into wood (like my mom, who once said while we were passing a lumber truck, "don't you ever get the desire to high-jack a lumber truck?), this is the place for you.  Really exotic stuff, like Purpleheart and Zebra wood, as well as normal stuff like Pine and Maple.  Pretty, pretty! Uncut, unfinished, and expensive.  We ended up just window shopping, but we have some fun ideas for the future!

After coming home, Katelyn helped me make some cute little mini pies...yum! (Or, they would have been if I had used the right type of tapioca...oh well!)  We had a ka-bob dinner on wooden skewers and ate Take-5 candy bars.  We just made it a fun family birthday party and had a great time!

Who wouldn't want to celebrate with those cute family faces!? :)

P.S....I made my shirt for my anniversary date.  Take a plain t-shirt, add some bleach to a q-tip, get creative and wa-la!  Cuteness!!


Lindy Windy said...

i like the shirt!!!!!!!

Holly Strong said...

I am laughing so hard. You wore that cute shirt today and I was seriously going to ask you if you made it but in my mind thought no way, it;s way too cute!!! LOL I will never underestimate your craftiness again.