Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Mike!

He's off for a man weekend with his Dad, 
buddies, and buddies' Dads.  
Happy birthday babe!  Enjoy your trip!! 
He's the big 30 this year...

30 Things I Love About My Honey...
How much he loves his garden.
Giggles with Josh.
Helping Katelyn ride her bike.
Date nights.
Steam-rolling the wife.
How dedicated he is to the Lord.
How we both are headed to the same place.
Our work-out evenings.
Watching shows.
Sunday evenings with the fam.
Game nights.
Camping trips.
How he can fix just about anything.
That he wakes up every morning at 5:15 to work hard for the family.
Doing projects with him.
When he reads stories to Katelyn.
How he changes all the nasty diapers when he's home.
That he cleans the toilets for me.
He takes the garbage out to the curb every Wednesday.
He's so tech-savvy.
Grocery shopping together.
When we day-dream of the future.
His perfectionist-ism.
Text messages in the middle of the day.
How he gets so excited about new electronics.
Planning all the things we will build into our dream home.
How he's always the one to turn the light out at night.
When he's dressed up in his Sunday best.
Friday's off spent working, or playing.


Emily said...

Happy Birthday, Mike! Hope it's a great one for you! -- Luke and Emily

Elena said...

Wow! That is one amazing husband. He probably didn't even realize how extraordinary he is. Yet another thing to add to the list. (I can imagine Andrew saying something like: "He's making the rest of us look bad.") Hee, hee, hee.