Saturday, June 12, 2010

Taking a break...!

Girls camp is 3 days and counting--but I'm up to eyeballs and I need a break!  What a lovely thing, blogging.  Here's a quick update...

Potty training-yes, let's start there.

We've done it!  It was frustrating and at the same time way easier than I thought.  We're (we're...why the we're. I've been potty trained for YEARS!), she's even potty trained through the night.  In fact, nights have been most successful for her.  I attribute that to the fact that this girl can hold it like no one I've ever seen.  You know when you drive somewhere far away and plan on having to stop somewhere on the side of the road cuz your darling has to go potty, right now! Not this one--she can hold it for 9 exits (and then we decided not to push our luck!).  Wahoo.  Thanks goes out to Kyle who gave me the great advice to wait until she's three--this has been amazingly pain free (except that if I leave her alone she likes to put THE WHOLE ROLL of toilet paper in the toilet, and, I don't skimp of TP around here.  We're talking the expensive stuff.  Not to mention how gross it is to fish TP out of a currently in use pee receptacle.  UCK!)
Favorite potty training quote..."Come quick Mom!! Come see the biggest poop I've ever pooped!"

What else...mmm...
Despite acquiring her new skill, we still have far too much of this...

I've been told that age 3 is better then age 2--but we're only a few weeks from three and we are FAR from see the magical transformations.  I'm not sure we're going to make it...

And then, there is this guy--
(Picture taken before our miracle skin cream...)
He's the bright, calm spot in our life.  (I love the big guy in the picture too!) Happy, almost all the time, even when he has ear infections and is getting teeth (he's up to 8 now!).  Something that I missed in the fine print, however--apparently this guy comes with a required-two-times-a-month-visit to the Dr.  We're on such a good basis, the Dr. and I, that I can call him up and he'll send me in a prescription--without even having an office visit. Yeah, an ENT specialist is the next stop...we're planning on tubes.  (And folks, I'm not exaggerating when I say we've been there two times a month all winter--do you have any idea how often that is! Crazy!)  Bonus is that after 5 visits about his skin--it's lovely and clear! Yahoo!! (At least most of the time...)  We went back this week and the Dr. just laughed..."How is it that you had the luck to catch the first of the summer viruses--I was hoping we wouldn't see you until September..."  Ha, ha.  Very funny.  I took the staff donuts though--I'm sure they are looking forward to our next visit! :)

Girls Camp is calling my name again--it's going to be SO AWESOME!  Our theme is "Oh The Places You'll Go" and it's going to be so cool...only a few more things to gather and figure out and we're golden.  Maybe I'll even get a few more posts in before camp next week!  Happy Saturday!


Jennie Fife said...

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but in my experience with highly active, energetic, independent and smart children like yours, age two is a piece of cake compared to three. Dashiel was a holy terror at three on a completely different level from tantrum two. Myles was practically perfect as a two-year-old compared to now. I don't want you to get your hopes up and be disappointed when the third birthday rolls around, it doesn't last forever, Dashiel is MUCH easier as a four-year-old. Good Luck

Danielle said...

I'd be happy to watch your kiddies while you go to the Tuc. We haven't been yet, so you'll have to tell me how the shows are!

Good luck with potty-training! Yes, I did take the bad mommy day post down because as much as I needed the love and counsel that I received from great moms- I also don't want to help out everything working against moms with dwelling on the negative- there's too much good in being a mom to dwell on words like that for too long! See you in a couple months! (I can't remember if you told me the dates you'll be here, but we'll be out of town 6-8th and 20th-22nd. Other than that should work out great!)

Danielle said...

Oh, and no recipe for the muffins- they were Jiffy! ;)

Sara said...

Hi Mindy. Don't know if you'll remember me or not...from your ward in Houston. I found your blog through Melanie Curtis' and just had to comment on this post. Don't shoot the messenger, but I'm gonna have to agree with Jennie. I don't know who came up with the phrase "terrible two's" but I'm pretty sure he/she didn't have a 4 year old (yet). In my experience, all of my children have been far more difficult for me at age 3 than they were at age 2. And then at 4, they go back to normal. :) I can only hope the same is true for Rachel (my current 3 year old) because we're more than halfway to 4 and I'm oh-so ready!

Hope all is well with you and your family!