I got cake decorating classes for Christmas...tonight was the final class, and although I can see lots of room for improvement, I still think it looks pretty good! Thanks for getting me started Texas! Thanks for all the great stuff Becky! And thanks for the classes Mom!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year...
Well folks, it has begun. A big welcome (at least at my house) to the start of gardening season.
You're looking at one very happy man!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Cute Katelyn!!
Our point and shoot camera finally went to it's grave...which means we don't have a video camera anymore :(. So, this weekend while we were away I told Brielle to take lots of video of my cute Katelyn and her darling songs...enjoy!! I know we sure do!
We got a tooth!
Josh grew a tooth this weekend...you won't ever see it though, he likes to smile with his tongue!
Such a big boy!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Gotta Love A Vacation!!
We went to St. George this weekend...it was fabulous! My best friends from forever, and their spouses, (Steph and Kyle, Deanna and Ryan), as well as Mike and I headed down on Friday. Thanks Mom and Dad for watching the wild child and our dude-man. Undivided sleep, going out to eat, not cleaning up any spills or pint-sized made messes, beautiful sun, warm air and the best company...awesome!
Yup...a picnic, outside, in February!
On one of our walks...strange African animals decorated their front yard. I would have LOVED to have met the crazy people who lived here...notice, again, the SUN!
We shopped the outlets on Friday, after arriving, and spent Saturday in Zions hiking and driving around. It was beautiful--I'll bet it's even more amazing when the seasons change with all the trees and foliage. I'd never been there before so it was fun. Mike had the chance to work on photography, and I learned there is nothing like a good hike to tell you how out of shape you really are! It's amazing to think of the creation of the world and all that has happened since then...there are some incredible places in the world.
Oh yes...remember the apocalyptic mud!
Sunday we found a great ward to attend and enjoyed church. I especially enjoyed Relief Society. I started out sitting there wondering why we go to church, and why we go to the whole block. Nobody would have known, or probably even cared, if we had gone to the whole block. But, we went because going to church is what we do. And on this particular Sunday, I feel so blessed that we went. Relief Society was all about our relationship with the Savior and how to make that connection stronger. I sat and cried through the whole lesson and really felt uplifted and grateful for the Savior like I hadn't felt in a long time. I don't ever want to forget that. I'm grateful that we go to Church...I'm grateful that it's what we do, and I'm grateful that Heavenly Father blesses us with powerfully moving experiences because of our obedience.
After Church we visited the Church history sites in St. George. I didn't so much love the tour guides, but the information was very fascinating. I didn't even know that Brigham Young had had a home in St. George until I started researching for our trip. What an interesting place. Anybody know why St. George is called St. George...I do! :)
Outside the condo
Monday we packed up and headed to a very LONG breakfast (but tasty, and with great company) and then drove home just in time to see Brielle before she headed back to school. The kids had had a great time, probably even better then spending time with Mom, and Mom and Dad had some great stories to share. We missed them, but we'll certainly be doing this again! It was fabulous!! Yeah for physically, spiritually, and emotionally rejuvenating vacations! :)
Love these girls!~
P.S....when I see everybody's else's pictures, I might add more! :)
St. George,
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Read this book...
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society...
Got a new book recommendation from my best friend Steph...and I'm passing it on to you! It's fabulous, and since I don't keep up on GoodRead's like I should, I'll send the info along this way!
Don't be turned off by the wacky title--by the end it's endearing and you're going to want to be a member of their literary society. I loved these characters and found so much of myself in several of them...it's witty, funny, and touching. This book has now made it to my top 10 list...and I think it will make it to yours too! It's a quick read, so somebody get a copy and start passing it around! And...anybody need a gift idea for me...this one is a great idea! ;)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
The first $15.00 Katelyn has cost us...
Okay, so not the first $15.00, but the first time she's caused us to spend $15.00 we had to spend that we would have not otherwise had to spend if she wasn't so precocious!
Our bedroom door has a lock--the sturdy, outside lock kind. It came with a key, which I put in a safe place inside the bedroom. Not a problem, cuz we never locked the door. And then, Katelyn enters her 'I-must-lock-every-door-I-find-phase.' Oh joy. And guess which door she locked, and which key I didn't get out of my bedroom in time?
You guessed it. The bedroom key. The bedroom lock.
So, engineers are brilliant, but not, as we discovered, natural born lock pickers. They do however, know how to wield a hammer with strength and awe.
I'm going to the store this week to buy a new bedroom doorknob.
One without a keyed, sturdy, outside lock.
funny stories,
Katelyn the wild child
Gotta Love the Co-op
This week at Co-op we got 40 lbs of tomatoes. It was an add on, not something that is regularly included, but due to the way that we go through canned tomatoes at this house, Mike and I decided to get them. We started with these beauties...
And 1 1/2 hours later we had these beauties...21 quarts of home-canned tomatoes.
We can't wait for the summer when we'll have home-grown, home-canned produce!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
This one is for Elena...
We had Esther Child come and stay with us for a week...it was Fabulous!! Here's the out of order highlights!
Mike's sister, Becky, and her girls came up to spend the evening. Esther and the girls made a fort and had a fun time playing...
Teaching Katelyn the new ballet moves she learned...
Practicing what she's learned...
Making Scripture cookies for FHE...
Movie Night!! If you haven't seen 'The Ultimate Gift', I would highly recommend it!
There was a whole lot of this...
And this...
And this...
And not nearly enough of this, I'm afraid...( I have a new appreciation for my mom...young piano students are master dodgers of practicing!)
Loving the Kitty...
There was a bit too much of this, I'm afraid.
Katelyn got a big girl princess potty while Esther was here...
Eating Katelyn's favorite lunch, Hot dogs with cheese bites and toothpicks!
We loved having you stay!! You can come over anytime!!
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