Sunday, November 1, 2009

We love you Grandpa!!

My grandpa Watson passed away yesterday morning after years of battling parkinsons, various cancers and dementia. It's been a long, hard road, and I am so thankful that his fight is finally over and that he is in a better place now. I'm grateful for eternal families, for grandpas' bear hugs, for his 'tough love', for his example, and for his sacrifices for his family.
We love you Grandpa!!


Elder and Sister Dunn said...

I am saddened to learn of your loss. It is so awesome that families can be together forever. I am going to say my goodbyes to my grandmother tonight and feel especially grateful for that sentiment.

Stephanie Hancock said...

So sorry to hear about that. I hope that blessings come from this. Let me know if I can watch Katelyn for anything if you need to help your mom. Love ya!