Monday, September 21, 2009

Me, Myself, and I...

I often. . . get sucked into blogging.
I have . . .great eyes.
I fear . . .my children falling from high places or burning themselves on open ovens.
I feel . . .excitement to close on our house!
I hear . . .HGTV (I'm going to miss it when we move...)
I smell . . .baby spit up and peanut butter
I wish . . .babies came sleeping through the night and potty trained
I hate. . .bugs in my house...especially ants. They ARE NOT supposed to live inside.
I think. . .I should read my scriptures with more purpose.
I know. . .how to use a vinyl lettering machine.
I want. . .to lose 30 pounds.
I always. . .feel grateful for my husbands job.
I am not. . .short.
I am like . . .my mother.
I believe. . .that I have a purpose and am loved.
I don't always. . .eat what I should.
I am happy that. . .my hunky-hubby has every other Friday off!
I win. . .at Boggle.
I lose. . .to Mike when we play Canasta...always.
I never. . .want to be unemployed again.
I need. . .something with sugar!
I listen. . .to Brad Paisley and Beyonce.
I am scared of. . .falling short of the person I am supposed to become.
I read. . .while I eat breakfast.
I am . . . truly blessed.


Maren and Ryan Meldrum said...

brad paisley, beyonce and you forgot Shane know...Pirates of the Santa Fe!!! "no one's here by choice!"

Kiersti said...

Cute! I'm totally stealing this and putting it on my blog...


Andrew said...

We never played Boggle. I would SO win you at Boggle!

Anonymous said...

I love your list and found myself relating to much of it!