For those of you who are wondering, here's a quick baby update...
Things are going...well, big! This baby is already well on his way to 8+ pounds, and I've got 5 weeks left. He's currently breech, which is always exciting, and I just about failed my blood-glucose test so I'm off simple sugars for the time being. Anything to stop this boy from getting bigger! I'm well into that totally-uncomfortable-almost-always-in-some-sort-of-pain-somewhere stage, but I keep reminding myself that it's much hotter in Texas, I found a great doctor and hospital, and I look a lot better this pregnancy than the last. I'm liking Mike's new work schedule which is getting us to bed earlier, but I didn't realize how lucky I was to have him around all day to help out. Just this morning Katelyn spilled a gallon of milk, dumped a box of cereal on the floor, and dropped Mike's wedding ring down the central vac shoot...She wears me out! What would I do without Grandma and Uncle Kyron around?
Things are good though...with any luck he'll have an August birthday instead of a September one, and he'll flip himself around so I won't have to worry about the recuperation from a c-section! :)
Sorry, no profile picture to post...I'm home alone with my sleeping Katelyn and I don't have a new one. I'll have to put that on my list!