Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor Day Weekend Fun!

Meg and Ell (Mike's sister and brother-in-law) flew us up to Maryland over Labor Day...(thanks guys!)...and we had a great weekend watching Katelyn play with the puppies and re-doing her bathroom! Here are the highlights...

Katelyn was a great traveler--once again! (I am so blessed to have a baby who is a good traveler...I've never had any complaints, except that maybe she's a bit heavy to be lugging around the airport!) She stole the show and smiled at everyone and made some great friends. We flew out on Saturday morning (thanks Elena for the ride to the airport), and flew home Tuesday night. Night flying was the best--Katelyn slept the whole time so Mike and I got to snuggle and watch some DVD's--and yes, we were watching Star Trek; Deep Space 9--

We helped Meg celebrate her birthday on the 30th. We spent the evening at a fun party and enjoyed a Crab Fest--most would say "YUM!", but I think I'll stay with land loving animals. Sunday we went to Church and meet up with Jenny (Mike's sister) at the DC Temple Visitors center. When we walked in Katelyn automatically pointed at the Christus and said, "Jesus." So neat! We had a great time visiting with Jenny and then headed home for yummy dinner and some Pinochle!

Monday was a true Labor Day--we re-did Megs bathroom. I think it turned out pretty good! We learned a few things--like we will never again use plastic, roll baseboards, and that Mike is a much better caulker then I am!

(using Ellery's weights and our feet to hold the stupid baseboard up until the Liquid Nails dried!)
(and, now looking at the before and afters, believe me...we did more then just change the shower curtain--even if it doesn't look like it! Guess I should have gotten a picture of the floor that we re-laid, eh! :)

We flew home Tuesday evening, so we spent the day chillin and hanging with Meg as she was recovering from her painful doctors appointment for her back. Poor Meg! She was such a trooper though--you wouldn't even know she was in total pain! We also went and saw Mike's parents house. They recently moved the San Antonio, but before they left Maryland they made HUGE changes to their home. We went and checked it out! But that's another post...

We're glad to be home and I've spent the day chugging through my list long list and repenting from my bad eating choices of the weekend~! To the gym I go! :)

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