Friday, September 20, 2013

And, last--but not least...

Finally got my Katelyn-girl (had to wait until Aunt Jilli could her hair!).  She looks so old!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

A few pictures...

We missed getting individual shots of the kiddos in St. George when we did our big family picture (WAY too hot for me...this mama threw in the towel!), so I have been trying to get a few of the kiddos since then. Just one kid a day, and probably only once a week. I have Katelyn still to go, but these were so cute I couldn't resist. Love my babies!

Lest you think I forgot Joshy, his are here...

Weekend Date Getaway!

My cute hubby--what a stud!  He planned a weekend getaway for us--on the cheap!  We went backpacking in the Uintahs, to Long Lake to be precise. It was beautiful and fun and awesome and great without the kiddos!  We ate our 72 hour kit food (not great, but would certainly keep you alive), practiced our fishing--fly fishing included--, slept toasty in our WARM sleeping bags (got to be in the low 40's), took lots of pictures, hiked, and enjoyed not having to keep the kids from jumping in the lake.
Thanks babe!

On our way in!

Still smiling, on our way out! (We stopped by the Provo River Falls for a photo op. It was pretty. I look like I have a hunchback.)

This place is BEAUTIFUL!  A bit chilly, but SO pretty!

My cute Fisherman!

We actually didn't catch a single fish--but we caught a bat! (Don't worry, it just played dead. It was fine after a few minutes)

 Fly-Fishing (I promise, I fished too...just didn't get any pictures.) Fly fishing is super fun!

There is not a prettier place to camp, I'm sure!  Added bonus--no kids, so no drowning, regardless of how close we camped to the water!

On our way out--looking a bit worn!


A sign we passed on our way in and out.  HILARIOUS!  Notice the sign...closed due to mosquitos. Yes, I can see how that would be an issue at a nudist ranch.
Lastly, a big shout out to Austin and Jilli, who watched the kiddos overnight (which included being up all night with a not happy Ben.) You rock!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Are you a Reader?

I've been reading THIS book for my bookclub, and I'm really liking it.  

I know that his method seems a bit too good to be true--"Kid on drugs, Read! He's off drugs.", "Low test scores, Read! High test scores!" "Bullied in class, Read! Friends in class", etc. etc.  You can find research to argue you point, either side of the line.  However, I think the foundation is true and I really do think reading--alone, outloud, in a classroom, to your kids--will solve a myriad of problems.  Or at least it can't hurt.

That being said, I decided to make some bookshelves for my kiddos.  We have books all. over. the. stinking. place.  I mean all over.  This is my attempt to try and wrangle the chaos and hopefully encourage the kiddos to read. I'm a read--an avid reader.  There have been too many nights to count that I have stayed up late reading, only to start again early the next morning to finish!  I'm a frequenter at our library and I'm always looking for more suggestions. My only hope is that it will rub off on the kiddos! 

I love how these turned out.  And they were free! (Bonus of being a wood scavenger!) my teacher friends. I'm serious--get a copy of this book, and read it. I can only imagine it would help your classroom, at any age!

PPS--don't judge the lack of cuteness of this room. Katelyn likes to sleep with the boys, but doesn't want blue.  And I still haven't finished those darn comforters!  One day, this room will be Pinterest worthy! ;)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Happy Birthday Josh-o!

He turned 4! Can you believe it?  I sure love my little buddy!  
We had a fun day...playing with friends, prepping for a party, opening a present early and playing for hours with his new lego set, enjoying a dinner of mashed potatoes and spaghetti and meatballs, making an star wars angry birds cake (my friend made the little figures, aren't they cute!), and then finally having a birthday party. What a great day!
Josh is fun to plan stuff for cuz he's so grateful and easy to please.  Everything little thing is fun and exciting and he stays that way all day!