Monday, June 24, 2013


All of these deserve their own post, but I'm going to clump them all together.  Boo!

First up, Katelyn participated in a singing class for the last year. We took the summer off, but she LOVES this class.  If you are interested in more, I can get you the information. It's awesome.

She had a little recital to celebrate their spring session. It was animal themed.  She went around singing the songs for weeks, and even still I hear her break out in song.

This last school year we participated in a neighborhood preschool. Josh-man had so much fun!! I need to find something great for him to do this year!
Here he is on the last day, and with his class.  He and his little friend Logan fought off all sorts of girl-germs together! :)

And Miss Katelyn.  Last day of kindergarten.  I'll admit--I shed tears. She didn't, but I was sad. Sad to leave her awesome teacher. Sad that she's growing up. Sad that it means next year is first grade.  What a sweet girl she is!
She also participate in a Kindergarten graduation program. My awesome Sister, Brielle, who happened to be more on the ball than me, already blogged about it. Check it out HERE. There are some great videos!

Oh yeah...and I graduated from pregnancy.
But you already knew that! :)

1 comment:

Katherine and Brian said...

So many fun updates!!! I love it! Your baby is so sweet!! I can't believe how quickly time is flying by. Your hair looks beautiful! I like the cut. I look forward to more posts.