Sunday, March 3, 2013

Weekend Fun!

In addition to working on our bunk beds, Saturday morning we took the kids to the Airplane Museum   Brielle and Matt were in town to celebrate Ky's birthday, so we turned it into to a family affair!  Such a great morning--full of free fun!  The kids were rather well behaved, and as Mike pointed out, Airplanes are pretty kidproof anyway so the coast was clear! ;)

After the museum, we headed out to Smith and Edwards for some shopping. Man, I could drop some money in that store!  Grand fun!  I especially love the candy isle!!

Lastly, after coming home and doing naps and working on the bunk beds, we headed to Mom and Dad's to celebrate Ky's birthday.  The first BBQ of the season complete with games, BTS cake, and a NEW PURCHASE!  Who would believe it? My cute hubby, spending tax return money on something for himself...something frivolous!  I'm stoked!  Can't wait to have him get his helmet (which will be happening, thank you all for the reminders!) and spend the day.  Anybody want to go riding?

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