Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We had a fun year this year.  Last year I wore myself out with making Leprechaun traps and bringing treats and gold every night. Who has time for that?  Not me...not this year! I found this great blog post that I LOVED and related to...enjoy if you wish.

However, if full disclosure, I still like having a good holiday to have fun with every now and then. This year for St. Patrick's Day I didn't make cute outfits like last year--really, when would they wear them on the Sabbath day Holy--and you wouldn't have found a gold coin anywhere in the house.  We did take an hour or so on Saturday afternoon to decorate boxes that we could hide for the Leprechauns to find.  This turned out to be the perfect activity for this pregnant Momma cuz I could supervise from the couch and the kids had a creative outlet.  It was fun!

Mike played the superdad card as we were going to be and reminded me that we were supposed to fill the boxes. Whew!  In the morning the kids got boxes of green stuff with trails of glitter (big mistake! Glitter NEVER goes away!).  We wore green to church and came home to a green dinner.  The verdict?  Food really shouldn't be green.

Hope you all had a great day too!
 (Pardon Katelyn's neck...don't know what that is! ;)

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