Saturday, July 21, 2012


Mike and I just got home from Trek.  Like literally, just hours ago.  The kids are in bed, the stuff is put away and we are SO READY to collapse!! While I wait for my pillows to finish up in the dryer so I can go to sleep, I thought I would just shoot out a hello to cyberspace.  More on our experience later, you can be sure, but for tonight, here's a quick blurb.  

Trek was fabulous! Awesome. Fabulous. Dirty. Tiring. Fabulous. Fun. Tiring. Dirty. Fabulous. Hilarious. Fulfilling. Wonderful. Fabulous. 
You know, all those things you would expect from Trek.  Basically awesome.


Our feet (and legs and toes and back and heads!) are tired, but our hearts are full. It was so great to share this experience with Mike. I usually do all the youth stuff solo, and it was neat to have him catch a glimpse of how awesome the youth in our stake and ward really are!  Our family was perfect for us and we learned a lot. I hope we facilitated opportunities for our 'kids' to feel the Spirit and learn, but I know we all had a good time, we all made new friends, we all learned that we can do hard things, we all grew.  I am going to start TODAY to lobby to go on the next Trek! :)  Awesome, awesome, awesome!

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