Monday, April 4, 2011

Conference Weekend....

I think I'm going to have to time all my babies to come home Conference Weekend! This was perfect!!  What a great excuse to sit and not do anything for 8 hours...something of a feat for someone like me who is always on the move (and who feels SO MUCH BETTER after giving birth that I tend to run myself a bit ragged!)  We just hung out this weekend, and to be honest, there was a good deal of sleeping through talks, and chatting with company that came to visit little man...but it was perfect.  I have already checked when I can get Conference downloaded so as to catch up on what I missed.  Can't wait!!

We named our little guy Luke Joseph Williams, in case you didn't know.  I have always wanted to give a son the middle name of Joseph, after Joseph Smith.  It's one of the middle names that we tried to pair with every name we liked.  As for Luke, we just liked it.  I think everyone knows a Luke, but there aren't so many of them that our little man will be one of 10 Luke's in his class forever, and we had good name associations with Luke--one of our dear friends from Texas is named Luke, and the senior class president in Mike's high school won on the slogan...'Luke Likes Llamas!' :)

Coming home from the hospital.

Being home has been great.  We had our first rocky night last night, which is to be expected, but our first two nights home he sleep 6 hours straight! Bless his little soul!!  Do you know what 6 hours of straight sleep does for a recovering mom?  Wonders!!  I'll take the wakeful night last night cuz I'm already so far ahead of the game!!

I'm not nursing Luke either...and for us, it is FABULOUS!! I know that 'breast is best'--I really do believe that, but sometimes, some things are just too much.  Nursing, for our family, is one of them.  I feel so much more emotionally prepared to be back to real life...I'm not having to lock myself in my room every hour and half to have a 40 minute stress session with tears--from both baby and mom--, I'm not having any of the pain I had with Katelyn and Josh (which NEVER went away), I'm not worried that he's not getting enough, that I'm a failure as a mom cuz I can't figure it out, that I'm going to have a horrible bond with my baby cuz I'm not feeling any of those happy nursing's wonderful! I wish I could nurse better, but I am glad that I have reached a Zen place about it and that for me, this is a good alternative.  

The kids are doing great too. Katelyn just loves Luke and is actually quite helpful.  We haven't seen any of the jealousy issues that I was expecting from Josh, but it helps to have both parents here so we'll see what this week brings.

All the Kiddos...

Josh and Daddy making bread...yum!!

Mike is going to go back to work this week...not full days yet, but we'll work up to that.  I figure by the end of the week I should be back to mostly normal--especially if I can get back those 6 hours of sleep a night!  We go to the Doctor today to check on jaundice (which, he looks yellow to me) and such--plus little man hasn't pooped in 3 days!  I don't think that is normal...poor little guy.  That's a major downside to formula!! :(  

We've had visitors and sat outside in the sun and's been great!  

Jennifer and Becca came

Aunt Jenny, Uncle Tom, Aunt Becky, Uncle Chris and Cousins Aly, Kayla, and Carter came to visit.

Come on over and see us--he's cute!

 First Family Photo...ah!


Jami & James said...

I really couldn't nurse Lincoln - and it ended up being great. I felt so much better about life once he was on straight formula. I say GOOD FOR YOU for deciding that right on and sticking with it - and staying positive. SO many people told me that I was a terrible mom for not trying to nurse more. But you do what is best for you! Anyways - Linc got constipated. We got a q-tip and put some jelly on it and stuck it slightly in his bummy and it did wonders!

Emily said...

Oh, he is sooooo cute! I forget how tiny they precious. Love the name too!!! ;)

I'm so happy that everything is going well -- and here's to hoping for a good sleeper!

Christine said...

So glad you had such a good weekend with your sweet family! He is so cute... well, they all are! I say good for you, too, that you've found a happy place about formula feeding. I'm sure that will relieve a lot of stress for you. Take care and we'll see you guys soon!

Kirsten Knowles said...

Congrats what a cute family!!

Luke said...

I think he has the best name ever!! I hope the expanding crew continues to do well!

Holly Strong said...

He is sooo cute Mindy. I can't wait to meet him. LOVE the name Luke. It's always been at the top of my list but since it doesn't have double letters, it never quite makes it...but I am super happy to have a cutie Luke in the family. I love love love that picture of Joshy making bread...too sweet.

Melissa said...

I feel the same way about breast feeding! It's just not for me. I had bad post pardum with Rachel because of it and still don't feel as bonded to her as I feel I should be. Sometime bottle is best when it makes mommy happy. :)