Monday, February 28, 2011

Almost Freakin' Done!!

Tomorrow marks the one month mark to my induction date~!  I'm thinking this baby might be coming early, but even if not, 30 days can't come soon enough!!

This last stretch is always the toughest...and then it gets to be followed by 3 months of sleep-deprivation and a new baby.  But at least I'll be able to breathe!

Come 30 days and I will be able to move again.  Breathe again.  Not have acid reflux anymore.  

My insides won't feel all smushed, and my sciatic nerve issues will miraculously go away. 

 I'll be able to wear cute shoes, and jeans with zippers.  I will be able to bend, to paint my own toes, and to walk up and down stairs without feeling like I'm going to die.  

There will be no more 5-times-a-night bathroom trips, and I'll have a lap back.  No more fetal hiccups at 2 am, and no more wondering if the clothes I wore yesterday will fit again today.

And even though I'll trade all those things for sleepless nights, a jealous Joshy, an overly-loving Katelyn and the excitement of learning to juggle three  ...  I'll take it! :)


Maren and Ryan Meldrum said...

3 months? That's it? I still feel sleep deprived!

Holly Strong said...

This went so much faster for me then it did for you. :) Can't wait to meet little one and find out what you have in there.