Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Have you seen my downstairs yet?

I don't think you've seen my downstairs via the blog yet...I don't have pictures taken of my family room-although it's lovely!- but here are some of Katelyn's room. I really wanted to do yellow and white in her room in Houston, but never got around to it. I wasn't going to wait in this home! My angel mother painted this whole room while I was home sick, and I love it! My spring project is going to be to make her a fuzzy, cute quilt, but in the meantime, I finally got to pull one of the hundreds I made in high school out! And check out the new carpet! Thanks to a huge blessing, we were able to get new(ish) carpet in the kids' bedrooms. I can't even tell you how much a relief and blessing this is. I have done gross things in my life, but pulling up the carpet from these rooms ranks in the top ten. I shudder to think that my kids had to sleep in rooms that were that nasty for two months. And I shudder to think what the other carpets in my home are like--the ones we haven't been able to replace yet! But I'm SO grateful that these two are clean and wonderful!

And, here is Josh's room with new carpet and a new dresser...the old one didn't survive so well...check out what happened to it when I tried to move it from his room to the hall for the carpet removal...oops! :)

Hope you all enjoyed the holidays! Welcome back to real life...!

1 comment:

Elena said...

Sooooo fun! Give your mom a hug for me, you are one lucky girl to have her so close and willing to pop on over and help. Miss you Girly! We could have some major fun as I tear my house apart only to put it back together. (Re-doing Kara's room, the front room, and my bedroom)

Take care.