Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our January Utah Trip...

Guess it's time to blog about our trip last week.  We had a good time...although most of the trip was spent catching throw-up in buckets or blankets or shirts...whatever happened to be closest!  Gross!  You know your a mother when...you child barfs on you so as to avoid barfing on the couch! Did I say Gross?!
Sunday night Katelyn laughed for the first time.  Yeah!  Monday we spent trying to get her to warm up to everybody, and Tuesday we worked like crazy people to get everything on our to-do list done.  A deep apology to everybody whom we didn't get to see...Becky and the girls, Grandma's and Grandpa's, Erik and Julie.  It was a good trip, just not what I had planned!
Here are some quick photos...I'm off to take a nap! :)

This is about as happy as my child looked all week...joyous!
Auklin's blessing...such a cute family!
Cute Katelyn and Auklin


Meli said...

Mindy!!! i m soo happy for you, you are having a baby!!! yeeeeeyyyy
well answering your question, here is where I got the Bussiness cards:


jeje anyway, I hope everything is going well for you guys!!

Stevo said...

Mike! Steve Nelson here. Just trying to track down a lot of my old mission buddies and seeing how everything is going. Hope you're loving Texas since you should be back home in Maryland:) Congrats on baby #2! http://stevecambrieandkiera.blogspot.com/