Friday, December 19, 2008

Guess I should update...

Well...not much has happened in the last few weeks...and yet, we are INCREDIBLY busy and running around crazy! Here are some quick highlights...

It snowed...seriously! It truly snowed in Houston Texas.  We didn't get much at our house, but they got 2-3 inches in town.  Of course, it was 76 degrees the next day, more snow.
I've spent last week and the beginning of this week finishing up Christmas. Mike and I made a whole bunch of our Christmas presents this year...and I think they look so good! No pictures though, until next week, cuz we don't want to give away the surprise! :)
The vinyl lettering machine is SO MUCH FUN!  Next month we are going to decorate Katelyn's room with polka practice, of course.  Yeah!
We have been missing our gaming buddies and gaming nights...I guess the holidays are having everybody running around a bit crazy.
We had a great YW activity to a rest home.  I was so proud of my girls and their ability to listen and follow the spirit.
We're getting excited to have the Williams Family here next week for Christmas...we're going to miss Becky and Chris and the the Girls, as well as Jenny (and Elder Paul), but we'll rock the house with those of us who are here!
I figured out how to sell stuff on e-bay...I sold some old pairs of jeans and made some quick money.  It was great!
I lost 8 more pounds...yeah!
We've all had our share of being sick...I got a staff infection--totally yuck!--and then a cold. Katelyn has fought of her share of colds over the last few weeks, and Mike is coming down with something now...bummer!
We went to the Company's Christmas parties...the family/children party in the morning (it was a ZOO) and the adult party at night.  They were both so much fun, and really both deserve their own post, but this is going to have to do...
Katelyn is as cute as ever, and has started running everywhere...seriously, running!  Gotta love her!

Merry Christmas!
 P.S.  Google is being stupid (or maybe it's just me), but I can't figure out how to move the pictures are the top. They are out of order, and why there is that picture of Katelyn at the Bunny farm, I don't know.  Enjoy!


Jeff & Ashlee Olsen & Family said...

Hey Mindy! Will you please email Bradlee and Suzanne and tell them to add us so we can see their blog? Thanks!

Joela said...

Your house looks like a picture from a magazine! Great job on the decor!! You are awesome! I love, love, love you!
