Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hurricane Eduard...

Well! Hurricane Eduard came and went--and was really a lame disappointment! We were all prepared and ready for a day of big wind gusts and lots of rain, and in actuality just got a bit of rain and not-out-of-the-ordinary winds. Oh well...Mike's office was closed early on Monday and was closed all day yesterday, so he got a free day and a half off of work! We spent the day cleaning the house, playing games, making cookies and throwing up! (Yup...we got a bunch of sickies here! Katelyn threw up on me for the first time ever--gross! But not as gross as I expected--guess that's a blessing of being a mother!)

So, I hope that you all had a great Hurricane day as well! Maybe next time we'll have something exciting to report! :)


Maren and Ryan Meldrum said...

ewww...I haven't had any real vomit on me...yet. I have experienced a baby projectile-spit-up several ounces of formula all over me though. Apparently when a baby gets sick, getting rid of everything in their stomach is the first sign...which I guess is a good defense mechanism..but also gross. Good luck!

Kristin said...

I used to live in northern Florida, so I know all about the hurricane scares! That's what's nice about the gulf of mexico - by the time it hits the coast its usually just a bad storm.

Nice to have work off though! I love your house, too, by the way. That's nice you were able to find such a good deal right after finishing school.

We came to Washington for Brandon to finish up his degree. He's changed his major 3 times, so we're still working on the bachelors, but I'm just so glad he keeps going. He's doing the BA in Business. We love Spokane. It is so pretty and green here. I'll try to post pictures of it on my blog soon.