Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

I sure hope that you all had a great Christmas, like we had a great Christmas. Family time. Yummy food. New toys. Magic.  It was great--I only was sad we didn't have snow!  Here is the highlight reel...enjoy!!

We started out our Christmas fun with a Thursday evening party at Aunt Ev's.  This lady is a giver--you should have seen her face.  What a generous woman--we had a great night!  She single handedly made our Christmas fabulous, and (my family at least) is having a glorious time playing with our new toys!

We celebrated Christmas Eve with half of the Wood clan and Grandma Williams.  Tamales (not so stellar), enchiladas (awesome!), salsa (YUM!) and flan.  Perfect! A good bit of chatting and gift exchanging made for a very happy day. 

The Elves (aka, parental units) on Christmas Eve.  We set up the camera on a tripod this year, and just snapped away with our remote. It was great!!

 Ah! The Magic of Christmas morning!  There's been some talk this year of not taking pictures of Christmas morning present opening, due to the fact that this is not what Christmas is all about. There is truth in that idea, but the magic of this morning brings out the little kid in everyone and the joy that is found in family rooms all over the world is worthy of capturing.  We loved having the camera going with the remote and I swear Christmas gets better and better every year, as my little munchlets get bigger and bigger!

We made a movie of our morning--1 hour condensed into 2 minutes. Fun!
I love the growing pile of garbage! :)

By the way--Luke slept through our morning of fun~!  But he was there, eventually!!

We headed to my parents house to enjoy more frivolity and family time.  Church was awesome (I love lots of music in Sacrament meeting...and let's be honest, all the extra hands to help with the bambinos made it extra nice!).  Take special note of Katelyn's dress--made by yours truly. The boys vests are a happy Walmart special, as their homemade Christmas outfits ended up being an epic fail! :)  We loved having Christmas on Sunday and hanging out all together with family.

Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

Kirsten Knowles said...

The dress is AMAZING! I would have thought it was store bought & a pretty penny at that :) Good work!!