Monday, November 28, 2011

I hope they call me on a mission!

So, we are all out of order, but by golly--I will post before December! :)  And so, a quick FHE post is born!

I stumbled upon a fabulous blog.  This lady, truly incredible lady if you ask me, has organized and planned out family home evening, each week, FOR THE WHOLE YEAR!  And, perfect for us, it's catered towards little kids.  I've found lots of great FHE sites, but most are for older kids--that doesn't work for us, as we've just got little kids.  I love this site.  Seriously, I click a link, print it off and I wouldn't have to read it or look at it again until lesson time if I didn't want to. Love it!!

We talked about missionary work tonight. It was great! Katelyn informed us that she doesn't want to be a missionary, she wants to be a 'missa-girl' and she is going to go to Idaho.  And, it just melts my little mommy heart, but she and Josh were so sad to leave each other to go on missions. They kept saying over and over that they would miss each other.  Yeah!! Maybe they do like each other! :) 

We wrote Uncle Tommy, we sang missionary songs, and we wore pretend missionary badges. It was great!  Gotta love Family Home Evening! :)

Lookin tired at the end of the day--10.5 hours of mental brain power for Mike; teething, cranky, no sleep baby for me.  Whew!

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