Sunday, August 15, 2010

Wanna blog about St. George...but..

So, I want to blog about St. George, but the bulk of my pictures somehow did not make the transfer to my computer and are now gone from the camera so....I'm waiting for copies from the sisters...(hint, hint!)  In the meantime, to copy the ever awesome Jilli, 
here are MY quirks...

I can't sleep without complete darkness.  I have to cover my cell phone charger light, turn my clock radio around, close the doors, pull down the blinds AND close the curtains tight.  I have real issues that my back door neighbors choose to keep their back porch light on all night, needless to say.

I can't handle people's eating noises, most especially (sorry to say it), my dear husbands'.  I can't stand slurping, swallowing, smacking, chomping or chewing.  People who eat loudly just about put me over the edge.

I also can't stand sleeping noises.  Snoring, breathing strange, gurgling, flem...gross, gross, gross!  If I'm not asleep first, it's over!

I sleep with earplugs every night, but just one ear plug.  One ear is against the pillow, the other plugged up with a little piece of purple heaven.  If I put ear plugs in both ears I can't sleep.  It makes my brain vibrate.

Here's TMI...I don't flush the toilet at night.  I am sure that it will wake up my children if I do--and sleeping through the night is SACRED!

I have a spot on my back, left shoulder blade that is always itchy.  Day in, day out, that spot needs to be scratched.

I have a lopsided neck.  Whether it comes from carrying a heavy backpack around on the same shoulder for more years then I can count, or whether I was born that way, it's lopsided.

I get super car sick in the car if I read, but not if I play on my fancy phone.

I prefer to wear non white socks--socks with decoration and fun things on them are even better!

I can't stand crushed ice.  I need full cubes or not ice at all.

I can't possibly bite, or even THINK about biting, anything cold or icy.  Painful, painful!

I hate putting away laundry.  I can gather, wash, rotate and fold laundry all day long, but I've got baskets of laundry that will sit for weeks (if I let them) cuz it's my least favorite household chore.

I clean toilets with my hand and a rag.  No wussy toilet bowl stick/wand thing for me.  Get your hand in there and get dirty!

I am super smell sensitive.  I can smell garbage in the next room, strange foods in the disposal, weird smells from the other room.  Mike says I make them up, they are really there!

What are YOUR quirks?


Holly Strong said...

Okay Mindy, I am laughing so hard. I have a lot of thos same quirks. I will think about it and post on my blog.

Cassidy said...

Lol- Micah says I have a bionic nose as well!

Wes, Nicki, and Boys said...

You are so funny!!! I loved reading all your quirks!!

Kirsten Knowles said...

Fun post! So ya, I can SOOO sympathize with the whole husband eating!! Bless their hearts!! My niece tried to warn me, but I was to far gone :)

Lefty Lindy said...

I really enjoyed these! But I have to disagree with one in particular. The toilet cleaning one. I'm all about getting in and getting my hands dirty, except for the toilet. THAT stuff is matter I don't want near the skin on my hands! YUCKY!